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Ice cream sundaes and beer tasting at Hengist Field Care Home

Knickerbocker glory making

What better way to enjoy this recent sunny spell at Hengist Field Care Home than with an ice cream, but not any old ice cream – a knickerbocker glory!

We had raspberry ripple ice cream which is our residents’ favourite and for the toppings we had a choice of strawberries, wafers, chocolate and strawberry sauce, sprinkles and to top it off a flake.

There were plenty of smiles going around, as well as silence as everyone tucked into their ice creams! Everyone agreed this was a super end to a great week!

Beer tasting

The sun was shining over Hengist Field at the weekend – perfect weather for a nice cold beer in your hand!

On Saturday we had a variety of beers to sample and rank in order of preference. We started with a Yorkshire pudding beer – which doesn’t sound very nice but our residents loved it and said it had an aftertaste of the Yorkshire pudding but otherwise tasted good!

Then we tried Hobgolin, which was described as more of an ale then a beer, and this was the groups’ least favoured.

Rheinbacher is German beer which was described as ‘extremely hoppy’. One of our ladies loved this beer and said it was her favourite, whilst others disagreed!

Next we tried a San Miguel which is a favourite, as well as a Stella Artois which we used to make shandies.

The afternoon was enjoyed by all; ranking top for our best tasting drinks were the San Miguel and Yorkshire pudding beers, with Hobgoblin coming in last place.

Cheers from Hengist Field!


Ice creams and beer at Hengist Field Care Home



