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Birthday wishes for Terry and Heather at Hengist Field Care Home

We’ve celebrated two recent birthdays here at Hengist Field Care Home.

A huge happy birthday to our lovely Terry, who celebrated his 80th birthday on Sunday 1 October when his family came in to visit to make it an extra special day.

We sang ‘Happy birthday‘ to Terry, decorated his room with banners, and presented him with some birthday cards and of course a delicious birthday cake, which he couldn’t wait to taste!

On Tuesday 3 October we sang ‘Happy birthday‘ to dear Heather who was celebrating her 81st birthday with us.

Heather absolutely loved her birthday cake and enjoyed all her decorations and birthday cards.

Heather had a wonderful day with her daughter, as they went to visit Heather’s twin brother in Maidstone and then had a birthday lunch out. Heather said she’d had a very nice day.

Many happy returns to them both!



