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Fruit hydration facts at Hengist Field Care Home

Did you know that fruit has a secret super power?! Not only is it tasty and full of goodness it’s a dehydration fighter! With this in mind, we took our trolley around to all the residents at Hengist Field Care Home with platter of fresh fruit for them to enjoy as part of Nutrition and Hydration Week.

Explaining to our ladies and gents how amazing fruit is, we told them the amounts of water in each variety and how eating fruit was better for them than they might have known!

A lot of our residents were shocked to hear that pineapples contain 95% water, melons 96% water, blueberries 95%, apples 84%, grapes 81% and oranges 87%!

Being hydrated doesn’t just mean having to drink a gallon of water a day!


Hengist Field Care Home fruit trolley

Our beautiful fruit trolley




